King County for

Semi Bird

Governor For ALL of Washington

Let's replace career POLITICIANS with career AMERICANS!

Pledge to donate $24 a month to make history with Semi Bird in 2024! Click the Bird to learn more ...

Semi’s vision for King County

I envision a united Washington where diversity is celebrated, and everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

As Governor, my vision for our state is to build a strong and prosperous community where individual freedom, personal responsibility, and limited government are paramount.

I believe in promoting policies that reduce regulatory burdens, promote free market principles, and create jobs. We will work to attract businesses and investment to our state, while also supporting entrepreneurship and innovation.

We believe in protecting and preserving our natural resources, including our forests, waterways, and wildlife. We will work to promote responsible resource extraction and ensure that our natural resources are used wisely and sustainably.

I envision a Washington state where individuals are empowered to make their own decisions and take responsibility for their own lives. We believe in promoting personal responsibility, reducing government dependency, and preserving individual freedoms. We will work to eliminate wasteful government spending and reduce the size and scope of government.

Our vision for Washington State is to create a prosperous and free future for ourselves and for generations to come. We will promote policies that encourage economic growth, strong families, protect our natural resources, and empower individuals to achieve their full potential.

Meet Semi Bird and his Family

I was born in Oakland, CA, but I grew up on the streets of Seattle, raised by my single mother, with my seven brothers and sisters.

I am passionate about restoring Washington State and the Emerald City to the beautiful, vibrant city I remember it to be. I have been deeply saddened by what I have seen happen to our state and King County in recent years, and that is why I decided to run for Governor. As my hero, Dr. Martin Luther King once said, “With faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope.”

I too have faith, and a dream for a united Washington where we embrace our diversity, respect our differences, rise above labels and divisions, and work together to tackle the out-of-control homelessness, lawlessness, despair, and hopelessness that is truly killing our once-great state.

Everyone will have a voice when I am governor.  We will become One-Washington again, and we will lead our state toward a future of prosperity for EVERYONE- leaving no one behind.

United we stand, together we can. Let’s make history together, my friends!

United we stand, Together we can!

Get Involved & Make History

All Volunteers: June 23rd - Campaign Training and Luau! June 23rd - Campaign Training and Luau!

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Washington First,Washington Strong

Semi's Platform for King County

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